The Great Angel
is set over the operations of the
Secret Wisdom
Α και Ω
The First and the Last

The Four Aces
First in order and importance are the Four Aces,
representing the Force of the Spirit, acting in, and binding
together, the Four Scales of each Element: and answering to
the Dominion of the Letters of the Name in the Kether of
each. They represent the Radical Forces.
The Four Aces are said to be placed on the North Pole of
the Universe wherein they revolve, governing its revolution;
and ruling as the connecting link between Yetzirah and the
Material Plane or Universe.
The Four Knights
The Four Knights (or Kings), or “Figures mounted on steeds,” represent the Yodh forces of the Name in each Suit: the Radix, Father and commencement of Material Forces, a force in which all the others are implied, and of which they form the development and completion. A force swift and violent in its action, but whose effect soon passes away, and therefore symbolized by a Figure on a Steed riding swiftly, and clothed in complete Armour. Therefore is the knowledge of the scale of the King so necessary for the commencement of all magical working.

The Four Queens
The Four Queens are seated upon Thrones; representing the Forces of the Hé of the Name in each suit; the Mother and bringer-forth of Material Forces: a force which develops and realizes that of the King: a force steady and unshaken, but not rapid, though enduring. It is therefore symbolized by a Figure seated upon a Throne: but also clothed in Armour.