The Knight of Swords
The Lord of the Winds and the Breezes
The King of the Spirits of Air
A Winged Warrior with crowned Winged Helmet,
mounted upon a brown steed. His general equipment is
as that of the Knight of Wands, but he wears as a crest a
winged six-pointed star, similar to those represented on the
heads of Castor and Pollux the Dioscuri, the twins Gemini (a
part of which constellation is included in his rule). He holds a
drawn sword with the sigil of his scale upon its pommel.
Beneath his horse's feet are dark-driving stratus clouds.
He is active, clever, subtle, fierce, delicate, courageous,
skilful, but inclined to domineer. Also to overvalue small
things, unless well dignified.
If ill dignified, deceitful, tyrannical and crafty.
Rules from 20° Taurus to 20° Gemini.
Fire of Air
King of the Sylphs and Sylphides